The Erasmusbrug, affectionately known as ‘The Swan’, graces the Rotterdam skyline with its modern elegance. Designed by Ben van Berkel and unveiled in 1996, this iconic suspension bridge is a testament to architectural ingenuity. Its 802-meter span encompasses vehicle lanes, tram tracks, bicycle lanes, and pedestrian walkways, offering a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal. The bridge’s defining feature is the striking asymmetrical pylon, standing at 139 meters in height, creating a captivating visual spectacle. Serving as a vital link between Rotterdam South and the City Centre, the Erasmusbrug not only facilitates traffic flows but also symbolizes the city’s industrial character and historical significance, making it a must-see for visitors seeking a deeper connection with Rotterdam’s past and present.
Places to Stay Near Erasmusbrug"Best place to explore all the water activities Rotterdam is known far."
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